Hi Gerd, Andrzej & maybe others

I'm trying to understand a couple of bits of logic in the default

'relation' sets mkgmap:us_interstate, mkgmap:us_usroute and
mkgmap:us_state but I can't find any use of these tags. It looks like
these were introduced in revision 3979, 5-Aug-2017 following
discussions on 27-Jul-2017 "Strange long distance routes on NĂ¼vi"

The other one is the use of cityxx / continue with_actions in the
'points' file. All the place=city/town/village/suburb/hamlet (&
island/islet) have logic explicit to prevent re-triggering once an
earlier rule has fired, but after these 'place=', I can't see any other
rule that would be relevant. I'd expect just removing & cityxx!=yes,
{set cityxx=yes} and "with_actions" to have the same effect and be the
normal way to express this.


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