On Feb 25, 2015, at 6:29 PM, John Rose <john.r.r...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Maybe this is general enough:
>    MHs.loop(init, predicate, body)(*a)
>    => { let i = init(*a); while (predicate(i, *a)) { i = body(i, *a); } 
> return i; }
> ...where the type of i depends on init, and if init returns void then you
> have a classic side-effect-only loop.

FTR, I've been thinking more about this one, with help from Michael Haupt.

The above loop is pretty good, except for a couple of things: 'i' ought to be 
tuple of loop-varying values, and the exit path needs a more general 
post-processing step, a "finalizer" that corresponds to the initializers that 
set up the loop variables.

A generalized (linear) loop has two kinds of values flowing within it: 
loop-invariant and loop-varying. (The control predicate has a special role, but 
may be classed as loop-varying. The finalizer is also special, and 
loop-invariant.) Loop-varying values can be inputs, control values (array 
indices, etc.), and outputs, but can all, I think, be modeled as "step" 
functions using a common signature.

This takes us to something like the C for-loop, but with a sprinkle of tuples, 
with a finishing bow around it to tie it up:
  for ((v1,v2,v3,…) = inits; predicate(v1…); (v1…) = step(v1…))  { … };  return 

Loop-local but invariant values can be modeled as non-updated loop variables, 
as in this C idiom:
  for (int i, limit = computeLimit(); i < limit; i++) …

Pure side effects can be modeled as void-valued step functions, so we want to 
allow void as a corner case for loop variable types.  (I.e., where there is a 
step but not a value.)  I don't want to make any more special provision for 
pure side effects (such as a unique Runnable-like "body" for a loop), both 
because it isn't necessary, and because it encourages sloppy side-effect-driven 

If we allow each loop variable to have its own predicate and finalizer, we can 
properly model the effects of ordered guards and special early-exit paths.

loop({init*}, {pred*}, {step*}, {fini*}) := lambda (arg*) {
  let var* = init*(arg*)
  for (;;) {
    for ((v,p,s,f) in (var*, pred*, step*, fini*))
      if (!p(var*, arg*))
        return f(var*, arg*)
      v = s(var*, arg*) // all vars help update each var

All invocations are exact.

As a bonus we can easily derive post-checked loops (do-while), and time-shifted 
index variables (p++) simply by adding more variables and/or steps.

Constraints on parameter and return types: 
- There must be the same number of inits, preds, steps, and finis.
- There must be at least one input function (e.g., a pred, so that the loop has 
a chance to exit).
- Parameter lists of the init functions must all be the same.
- Parameter lists of the pred, step, and fini functions must all be the same.
- Parameter lists of the step functions must be a suffix of the parameter lists 
of the init functions.
- Parameters of the step functions must be the same as the return types of the 
init functions (with voids removed), followed by the common suffix.
- Return types of the predicates must all be boolean.
- Return types of the finalizers must all be the same (and can be void).
- The return type of each init function must match the return type of the 
corresponding step function (a "var" type or void).

The result, a looping method handle, has a return type taken from the finalizer 
function(s), and argument types taken from the init functions.  The loop has 
one iteration variable for each non-void init/step function pair.  Each 
step/pred/fini call takes all of the iteration variable values, followed by all 
the external (loop-invariant) arguments.  No throws are caught by the loop; 
throws cause the loop to terminate abnormally.

In some loops, such as "find first match", the predicate naturally follows the 
step function, because it needs to evaluate the result of the step.  To model 
post-checks (and the classic do/while shape), a second "void-valued" loop 
variable is required:

loop(...) := lambda (arg*) {
  let (var, _) = (null, void)
  for (;;) {
    if (_) return _ // trivial predicate: exit branch never taken
    var = s(_, arg*)  // pick up next search key
    if (!p(var, arg*))  // did we find it?
      return f(var, arg*)  // extract value from search key as needed
    _ = _(var, arg*) // void value, no side effect

This variable-doubling could be compressed out if there were a further boolean 
(per pred/step pair) which says which order to run them in.  To me this seems 
like too much ad hoc structure; such structure tends to creep over time as we 
discover other important patterns.  I think it would be better to support 
optionality for common "no op" loop components, as follows:

- If an init is null, a constant zero (or null/false/void) function is supplied 
by inspecting the return type of the corresponding step function.
- If a pred is null, a constant "true" function is supplied.
- If a step is null, a suitable identity function is supplied by inspecting the 
return type of the corresponding init function.
- If a fini is null, a constant zero function is supplied based on a non-null 
fini; if all are null then void is assumed.
- Missing parameters (of any function) corresponding to loop-invariant arg* 
values are silently filled in (as if by dropArguments).
- Other missing parameters (of loop variables passed to non-init functions) are 
also silently filled in (as if by dropArguments).
- However, all missing parameters must be supplied after the present 
parameters; they may not be "mixed into" present parameters.

The missing-parameter rules are as with GWT and CE; they are easy for the 
runtime to implement and grossly inconvenient for users if absent.  Perhaps 
they can be made a little more one-sided, by forcing the step functions (if 
present) to carry all arguments.

Concrete type:

MethodHandle loop(MethodHandle[] inits, MethodHandle[] preds, MethodHandle[] 
steps, MethodHandle[] finis);

Another possibility would be to allow a free intermixing of any number of steps 
(var updates) with any other number of pred/fini pairs:

MethodHandle loop({MethodHandle init, MethodHandle step  ||  MethodHandle pred, 
MethodHandle fini}…);

But, it is trivial to convert such a structure to the above structure by 
injecting nulls for the missing pairs, to make up a full set of quadruples.  So 
I think the fixed-quadruple format is general enough without sacrificing 

Various convenience specializations are possible, but can all be code-generated 
via the general template.  The bytecodes to be generated from the general 
template are obvious from the formula above, and will JIT well.

Here are some examples:

MethodHandle finderLoop(MethodHandle body, MethodHandle finder, MethodHandle 
// do () { v = body(a*); } while (!finder(v,a*)); return fini(v,a*);

MethodHandle cursorLoop(MethodHandle init, MethodHandle pred, MethodHandle 
body, MethodHandle step, MethodHandle fini);
// for (v=init(a*); pred(v,a*); v=step(v,a*)) { body(v,a*); }; return 

MethodHandle countedLoop(int start=0, MethodHandle limit, int incr=1, 
MethodHandle init2, MethodHandle pred2, MethodHandle body2, MethodHandle 
// for (v'=start, vlim=limit(a*), v2=init2(a*), v=v'; (v'++)<vlim && 
pred2(v,vlim,v2,a*); v=v') { v2=body2(v,vlim,v2,a*); }; return 

MethodHandle loop(MethodHandle[/*4*/]... quadOfInitPredStepFini);

(What's your favorite loop?  How well does it fit into this scheme?)

Library functions for loop clauses (encoded as quads) might also be 
interesting, but this starts to take us into territory where streams can do a 
better job:

MethodHandle[][] countedLoopClause(int start, MethodHandle limit, int incr, 
MethodHandle[] moreClauses…) {
  MethodHandle[] setLimitQuad = { limit, /*no pred/step/exit*/ null, null, null 
  MethodHandle[] checkLimitQuad = { /*no init/pred*/ null, null, 
Integer::compareLT, null };
  MethodHandle[][] res = new MethodHandle[2+moreClauses.length][];
  res[0] = setLimitQuad; res[1] = checkLimitQuad;
  System.arraycopy(moreClauses, 0, res, 2, moreClauses.length);
  return res;

Not so good, that one.

Anyway, my basic position here is that there ought to be a loop shape which is 
(a) general enough to encode the normal special cases, and (b) easy to generate 
into bytecodes.  If we can build everything from that one loop shape, our code 
generation and optimization will be made easier to implement, hence more 

And, I claim this is a worthwhile puzzle to puzzle on.

— John
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