Dear all -- please see below for the announcement for a conference in  
Poland that we are involved in. It was inspired by the growing number  
of Mobile Tech 4 Social Change camps that we are hosting.  Anita  
Wasilewska, a professor of computer science, was inspired to do her  
own, expounding on the theme.  While not a camp, it's nonetheless  
another opportunity for computer scientists and researchers in the M4D  
and Social Change space to share their experiences.  MobileActive will  
be there with a number of members and people from its community.     
Please spread the word, and please consider applying!

And if you are interested in attending a Mobile Tech 4 Social Change  
event, here are the ones coming up:

Washington DC, April 29th -
London, May 23rd - registration forthcoming
Halifax, Canada, May 23rd -
Watch for additional announcements for M4Change camps  
in  Cape Town, Kampala, Nairobi, Toronto, Barcelona, and Geneva in the  
next few months!



> We would like to draw your attention to the First International
> Symposium on Intelligent Mobile Technologies for Social Change
> (IMT4SC'09 held as a part of the
> International Multiconference on Computer Science and
> Information Technology ( on October
> 12-14, 2009 in Mragowo, Poland.
> There are over 3.5 billion mobile phones have proliferated the
> world creating unprecedented opportunities to reach and impact
> the lives of billions of people in different social strata. The
> goal of the symposium is to create a multi-disciplinary forum
> for discussion on the use of mobile technology for creating
> social impact around the world. We are seeking not only
> research and technical papers, but also work-in-progress/future
> research papers which present new ideas and areas where mobile
> technology can be applied for social benefit. In addition, we
> hope to spur dialogues on how to incorporate socially-inclined
> mobile technology into the larger computing community and adopt
> established fields of computer science to the mobile-social
> framework.
> We encourage any feedback and questions. Please feel free to
> contact use at
> *****************************************************************
>                       CALL FOR PAPERS
> 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Mobile Technologies
> for Social Change (IMT4SC'09)
>     Mragowo, Poland, October 12-14, 2009
>       All Paper Submissions: May 10, 2009
>       Authors Notification: July 1, 2009
>       Camera-ready Submission and Registration: August 15, 2009
> The First International Symposium on Intelligent Mobile
> Technologies for Social Change will be held within the
> International Multi-conference on Computer Science and
> Information Technology in Mragowo, Poland on October 12-14,
> 2009.
> IMT4SC strives to stimulate and promote cross-disciplinary
> communication between researchers and developers working in
> different domains with the goal of developing frameworks,
> applications, and technology for social impact.
> The type of impact can range from individuals (children,
> elderly, disabled, illiterate, informal businesses, etc) to
> communal, and in a variety of areas such as economic and social
> development, education, advocacy, human rights, and healthcare.
> There are over 3.5 billion mobile phones in the world and they
> are proliferating at astounding rates across socio-economic and
> cultural boundaries and provide unprecedented opportunities for
> enabling social impact and technical activism.
> The IMT4SC symposium encourages submissions of original
> research papers, practical applications and technology, and
> position papers on all aspects of computing technology directed
> at making the world a better place. We are also looking for
> ideas about ways to use, deploy, develop and promote the
> application and use of mobile phones in the same impact areas.
> Topics include, but are not limited to:
>     * Mobile technology for informal economies
>     * Embedded AI and data mining applications
>     * Mobile learning and education
>     * Mobile applications for the disabled/elderly
>     * Mobile technology impact on health care
>     * Mobile technology for social and economic impact
>     * Educational impact of mobile technology
>     * Human rights and mobile technology
>     * The use of mobile technology as an enabler for social impact
>     * Social activism which can benefit from mobile technology
>     * Open ideas on communities/groups/people and how they may
>       benefit from computers/mobile technology
> The papers are divided in three categories: work-in-progress
> and future research papers (3 pages), theoretical papers (8
> pages), and practical applications with demonstrations to be
> shown at symposium (8 pages).

Katrin Verclas
Co-Founder and Editor
+ 1 413 687 9877
skype: katrinskaya

Read the latest about mobiles in social change work at

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