
Workshop Call For Papers

Qual Meets Quant:
Bridging the Gap between Technical and Social Researchers to Foster
Development through Mobile Platforms

Workshop to be held at the 4th International Conference on Information
and Communication
Technologies and Development, ICTD 2010, London, 13-16 December

Submission DEADLINE EXTENDED !! New Date 22th October.



The increasing ubiquity of mobile phones in developing economies has
enabled the capture,
for the first time in history, of massive amounts of behavioral human
data in areas of
interest to international development.  Proper analysis of such data
could provide important
insight into areas from health and education to microfinance and
agriculture.  Unfortunately,
much of the research related to mobile phones and development has been
done in methodological
silos: technical researchers focus on quantitative analysis;
ethnographers perform in-depth
 qualitative research; and policy makers extrapolate policies from
published research.

This workshop intends to bring together technical and social
researchers, as well as policy
makers, to explore the potential of mixed-method approaches to
analyzing these new sources of
 data.  On one hand, large quantitative datasets are being generated
by mobile devices adopted
either for personal use or as data-gathering tools by practitioners
from NGOs. On the other,
ethnographers and social researchers carry out qualitative research to
gain a deep understanding
about mobile technology acceptance and human behavior. Finally,
organizations such as the United
Nations and the National Statistical Institutes periodically compile
large datasets of statistical
information including demographic and socio-economic indicators to
assess social progress.

Joint analysis of quantitative data gathered through ubiquitous
technologies, qualitative research
 and statistical indicators is likely to provide a deeper
understanding than would be possible from
analyzing any single body of evidence in isolation. In fact,
interactions between these fields might
provide a first step to move beyond mere correlations and seek the
cause-effect relationships that
 policy makers aim to understand.

 To foster this collaboration, the workshop will consist of short
paper presentations followed by
a round table focused on evaluating new analytical approaches and
understanding how different
research techniques can be combined towards a holistic understanding
of mobile technology and
its potential to foster international development. Technical and
social researchers as well as
policy makers are welcome to the workshop.



 Data Collection and Analysis
 Spatio-temporal Analysis
 Multiple-source Analysis
 User Modeling and Personalization
 Mixed-method approaches
 Research Design
 Adaptive Interaction
 Causality Inference
 Social Network Analysis
 Mobility Analysis
 Data Mining, Visualization & Machine Learning


 M-Education and Mobile Learning
 M-banking, Microfinance and Microcredit
 Social Protection
 Transportation Systems
 Disease Surveillance
 Urban Planning



Given that the main objective of this workshop is to bring together
researchers from different
areas to understand the strengths and limitations of each others'
methodologies, papers that have
been published somewhere else are welcome, as long as they present a
succinct methodological approach.

Papers should have up to 6 pages and specify the names and
affiliations of the authors.
Shorter papers describing preliminary ideas are also welcome. Authors
should follow the IEEE
formats and styles. The manuscripts can be in PDF or Word.

The papers should be submitted to qualmeetsqu...@gmail.com. Please
include the title and first
author of the paper in the subject of your email.

The half-day workshop will be held on the16th of December at Royal Holloway,
University of London. Check the ICTD2010 Program for details and
updates. The workshop is free,
however registration for ICTD 2010 is required in order to attend.
Early registration deadline
ends the 22nd of September. Check the ICTD2010 Homepage for additional


Paper submission deadline: 22nd October, 2010.
Notification of acceptance: 15th November, 2010.
Camera-ready submission: 23rd November, 2010.



Vanessa Frias-Martinez, Telefonica Research, Madrid, Spain
Kentaro Toyama, University of California, Berkeley
Jenna Burrell, University of California, Berkeley
Nathan Eagle, Santa Fe Institute, USA


Araba Sey,  Change, University of Washington
Bill Thies,  Microsoft Research, India
Christoph Stork,  Research ICT Africa Network
Emma Brunskill,  University of California, Berkeley, USA
Enrique Frias-Martinez,  Telefonica Research, Madrid, Spain
Ernest Mwebaze,  Makerere University, Uganda
Fabiano Cruz,  Inter American Development Bank, IADB
Gudrun Wicander,  Karlstad University, Sweden
Javier Simó,  Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
John Quinn,  Makerere University, Uganda
Jorn Klungsoyr, University of Bergen, Norway
Joshua Blumenstock,   University of California, Berkeley, USA
Julian May,   University of KwaZulu-Natal,  SA
Juliana Rotich,  Ushahidi
Kathleen Diga,  IDRC, Canada
Muto Megumi,  Japanese International Cooperation Agency, JICA, Japan
Neal Leash,  D-Tree International, USA
Raul  Zambrano,  United Nations Development Program, UNDP, USA
Tapan Parikh,   University of California, Berkeley, USA
Ugo Vallauri,  Royal Holloway, UK

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