ahh ok :) sorry for all the topics im all over the place and my mind seems
to be short circuiting lol.

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Florian Effenberger <
flo...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Jonathan Aquilina wrote on 2013-05-07 17:16:
>  Im not sure if anyone else agrees with me, but is there a way that
>> moderators can be notified if someone else has moderated a message? Lets
>> say i moderated a message and allowed it to its respective list how will
>> other moderators know that the message has already been moderated or is
>> that handled by the back end?
> can we probably stick with one subject at a time? What does this have to
> do with the mailing list statistics? ;-)
> But to answer your question:
> There is no such way. mlmmj is purely mail based, which has its advantages
> (like not having to enter passwords for moderation as it is with Mailman) -
> but we cannot remove moderation mails sent out once. However, a double
> moderation doesn't happen, so if someone moderates a mail that has been
> sent out already, nothing happens.
> Florian

Jonathan Aquilina

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