
I am having problems getting Apache::OutputChain and Apache::SSIChain to
process more than one server side include in the output of
Apache::Registry scripts. The first include of the output of the script
gets processed correctly but the second simply shows up as a tag in the
output that the browser gets.

Apache 1.3.9
mod_perl 1.2.1

The relevant section of the conf file:

<IfModule mod_perl.c>
  <Location /registry>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::OutputChain Apache::SSIChain Apache::Registry
    Options Includes +ExecCGI

PerlStackedHandler is enabled.

The messages in the log file from turning debug mode on in OutputChain and
SSIChain is

Apache::OutputChain tied Apache::OutputChain -> Apache
    Apache::OutputChain::TIEHANDLE ARRAY(0x7c3bac)
    Apache::OutputChain::TIEHANDLE ARRAY(0x1b2cb0)
    Apache::OutputChain tied Apache::SSIChain -> Apache::OutputChain
    Apache::OutputChain::TIEHANDLE ARRAY(0x7c3a38)
    Apache::OutputChain::TIEHANDLE ARRAY(0x7d49fc)
    Apache::OutputChain::PRINT Apache::SSIChain=ARRAY(0x7d49fc)
    Apache::OutputChain::PRINT Apache::OutputChain=ARRAY(0x1b2cb0)
    Apache::OutputChain::PRINT Apache::SSIChain=ARRAY(0x7d49fc)
    Apache::OutputChain::PRINT Apache::OutputChain=ARRAY(0x1b2cb0)
returning $self->ssi_include(virtual="/dad/ad/ad?group=graphics_banners" )
at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/SSI.pm line 115.
args are virtual,/dad/ad/ad?group=graphics_banners at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/SSI.pm line 117.
    Apache::OutputChain::PRINT Apache::SSIChain=ARRAY(0x7d49fc)
    Apache::OutputChain::PRINT Apache::OutputChain=ARRAY(0x1b2cb0)

So, my question is, is it possible to process multiple includes in the
output of a Registry script using chaining? What else should I be trying
to do?



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