that's what I meant :)

Since %INC is a hash, and it's order unpredictable, it's possible that DBI
be re-required before Apache::DBI.  But maybe something else is going on

here's the code from the guide:

while (my($k,$v) = each %INC) {
      delete $INC{$k};
      require $k;


> -----Original Message-----
> From: G.W. Haywood [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 10:04 AM
> To:   mod_perl Mailing List
> Subject:      RE: PerlFreshRestart and %INC
> Hi there,
> On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Young, Geoffrey S. wrote:
> > maybe it has to do with the order in which stuff is held in %INC - that
> is,
> > Apache::DBI needs to be loaded before DBI, but PerlFreshRestart may
> require
> > them in the improper order because of the hash order?
> Is there a `hash order'?
> Hashes can do strange things with the order of their contents.
> Does the code do a foreach (sort keys %INC) or just foreach (%INC) ?
> 73
> Ged.

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