I had this problem.  It was Wing::Balance hard coding URI in Balance.pm.
I changed

 if ($uri =~ m{^/login/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/?$}) {
        $username = $1;
    elsif ($uri ne "/index.html") {
        # Note that "GET /" turns into /index.html by the time it reaches us
        return DECLINED;


    if ($uri =~ m{^$Wing::Shared::LOGIN_URI/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/?$}) {
         $username = $1;
    elsif ($uri ne "$Wing::Shared::LOGIN_URI/") {
     # Note that "GET /" turns into /index.html by the time it reaches us

     return DECLINED;

And added

to Shared.pm.

When the handler returns DECLINED Apache seems to retry the URL without the
module. This made it seem as if the module was not being called at all.

"Miguel A.L. Paraz" wrote:

> Hi,
> I hit this months ago but never really solved it... I'm working with the
> WING e-mail package by Malcolm Beattie.  In my httpd.conf I have tried:
> PerlModule Wing_miranda_herrera_iphil_net::Balance
> <Location />
>     SetHandler perl-script
>     PerlHandler Wing_miranda_herrera_iphil_net::Balance
> </Location>
> <Perl>
> and:
> $Location{"/"} = {
>     SetHandler => "perl-script";
>     PerlHandler => "Wing_miranda_herrera_iphil_net::Balance";
> };
> </Perl>
> Neither of these work.  When I access /, the module is not invoked, and
> instead, Apache brings up the DocumentRoot.
> How can I debug why Apache would choose to ignore the <Location>?  Just to
> be sure I also tried it with <Directory> but without luck.
> Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.2.1.
> (For those working with Wing already, I changed the names of the modules
> since I am doing "virtual hosting" with it.)
> Thanks!
> ---m
> --
> Miguel "Migs" A.L. Paraz                     IPhil Communications Network, Inc.
> http://www.iphil.net                       Business Development/Training Group
> 5/F 116 Herrera St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, Philippines  +63-2-750-2288

*Matthew Taylor:Computer section  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Tel : +44 (0)181 332 5714      *
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