I'm glad to announce a new version of the guide:

As usually comments are very welcome!!! 

The Changes:

* all.html has gone (all htmls in one) -- it became more than 1Mb, too
  big - use the PS version instead

* reorg: moved the "perl reference" chapter to be one of the first
  ones, because it should be read first. Moved the strategies and
  implementations toward the middle.

* snippets: started "Code Unloading" as hinted by Doug.

* porting: updated "Output from system calls" (Doug)

* porting: fixed the "\n\n" vs. "\r\n\r\n"(Philip Newton)

* debug: added "Debugging when Server Crashes on Startup before
  Writing to Log File" (Cliff Rayman)

* snippets: added "Redirecting While Maintaining Environment
  Variables" (Vivek Khera)

* troubleshooting: added "libexec/libperl.so: open failed: No such
  file or directory" (Christophe Dupre)

* performance: added "Upload/Download of Big Files" (Ken Williams)

* install: added a reference to "Static debian package" (by David

* troubleshooting: added Windows: "Apache::DBI and
  PERL_STARTUP_DONE_CHECK" (Gerald Richter, Randy Kobes)

* performance: added KeepAlive notes (Craig, Pascal Eeftinck)

* performance: added HTML::Mason notes (Pascal Eeftinck)

* porting: added new "die() and mod_perl"

* porting/perl: moved most of the perl specific reference material
  into perl.pod removing duplications of this material on the way and
  replacing it with pointers to perl.pod

* performance: rewritten "Object Methods Calls Versus Function Calls"

* porting: FindBin is not mod_perl compatible (Andrei A. Voropaev,
  Joao Fonseca)

* scenario: denoted the ProxyReceiveBufferSize limit by SO_RCVBUF in
  kernel (Vivek Khera) and kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=2621440 on BSD (Oleg

* snippets: added "mysql backup and restore scripts"

* snippets: added "Subclassing Apache::Request example"

* snippets: added "CGI::params in the mod_perl-ish way"

* debug: added "Using print() and Data::Dumper for Debugging"

* snippets: started a "Sending email from mod_perl" topic

* control: Preparing for Machine Reboot

* download: added more load ballancing URLs

* performance: added "Tuning with httperf"

* intro: added "High-Profile Sites Running mod_perl" (Rex Staples)

* review: Ged W. Haywood was very kind to review and correct the
  following chapters: start, intro, strategy, porting (!), databases,
  dbm, security.

* install.pod: perl Makefile.PL troubleshooting - added "A test
  compilation with your Makefile configuration failed..." and
  "missing/misconfigured libgdbm.so" (Tom Brown and Steve Willer)

* install.pod: make troubleshooting "unrecognized format specifier for..."
  during the build process (Scott Fagg)

* porting: a bug in a script from "Exposing Apache::Registry secrets"
  spotted and fixed (John Deighan)

* install.pod: integrated the "manual mod_perl build process" remarks
  and patch (Robin Berjon)

* install.pod: don't put mod_perl sources in a sub-dir of Apache
  sources. It wouldn't build! (Ask Bjoern Hansen)

* review: Dale Couch was very kind to review and correct the
  following chapters: porting


Stas Bekman    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.stason.org/stas
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC     http://www.stason.org/stas/TULARC
perl.apache.org    modperl.sourcegarden.org   perlmonth.com    perl.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven    http://www.singlesheaven.com

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