> I have hacked together an i386 RPM (RedHat 6.1) of Apache 1.3.9 with
> mod_perl and php3 staticly builtin. I haven't tested it much, though it
> seems to work. 
> Anyway SRPM of it can save some people trouble compiling Apache with
> mod_perl by hand so if you're interested head on to
> http://www.hazard.maks.net.

Thank you, Vladimir.

I've updated http://perl.apache.org/distributions.html to point to your
contributed RPMs.

Stas Bekman    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.stason.org/stas
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC     http://www.stason.org/stas/TULARC
perl.apache.org    modperl.sourcegarden.org   perlmonth.com    perl.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven    http://www.singlesheaven.com

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