"T.J. Mather" wrote:
> Have you considered using HTML::Template?  It is a simple yet powerful way
> to seperate HTML from Perl code.  It can do loops (good for HTML
> tables), includes, and if/unless/else statements.  Furthermore, it has
> shared memory for templates built in.
> http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/mod_perl/cpan-search?dist=HTML-Template-1.8

Thanks for that.

Looking at that lead me IPC::SharedCache - which is almost exactly what
I have decided to do - albiet Sam Tregar's implementation appears alot

My Implentation of the template is very simple - i.e you give it a
template, then ask it to sub in all the values into the tag locations,
and return a scalar ref.  There are a few other methods (for defining
tags and their values) -p but thats it.

I seem to have implemented an HTML::TemplateLite and IPC:SharedCacheLite
.... I have learned alot and can always reuse the code in the orginals -
this is after all perl ....

Thanks again.

Greg Cope

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