Matt Sergeant sent the following bits through the ether:

> Note that Theo Schlossnagel was saying over lunch at ApacheCon that if
> your filename has more than 8 characters on Linux (ext2fs) it skips from a
> hashed algorithm to a linear algorithm (or something to that affect). So
> go careful there. I don't have more details or a URL for any information
> on this though.

I've had a look at 2.2.14 and while there are some limits[1] (note,
I'm not a kernel hacker), some simple tests[2] haven't pointed to a
performance degredation. I'd suggest some larger tests on bigger
boxes, as this'd be interesting to know...


[1] such as DNAME_INLINE_LEN (16), see fs/dcache.c
[2] 2000 files, with name lengths from 2..20 (substrings of md5 stuff,
of course), both reading and writing random files
Leon Brocard.............................

... New and improved Brocard: now with Template Toolkit!

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