* at 09/11 14:22 -0500 Geoffrey Young said:
> > I was wondering why Apache::Filter won't deal with directories. 
> man Apache::Filter - it's right there ;)

ah, in the bugs section. note to self: read _all_ the man page.
> > I
> > assume it's as it makes little sense trying to do things do directory
> > listings but it does result in odd things if I have a handler that is
> > e.g /poll and i want to chain that through something (such as SSI).
> why do you want to process a directory listing?  you want to process the
> files within the directory via SSI, right?


i have a handler with an existing site that uses the extra_path infor
to work out what templates it shoudl be using for it's output. the
only problem is that i need to use existing includes that themselves
use includes so i have to parse the output through Apache::SSI but
it's possible that the path will be a directory which Filter just
assumes is an actual directory so won't deal with.

i.e is /handler/subdir/ is the path then the handler will try and use
the template subdir but in that case i can't chain the handler as
Filter thinks it's a directory.

does that make sense?

> change your (assumed) <Directory> directive to an Alias + <Location>
> directive and see if that changes things...

well it's using a location directive (or at least trying to :) and it
just doesn't work. and i can't see a way of using an Alias directive
to fool Filter into thinking the handler is a file.


Struan Donald
Code Flunky, 365 Plc.

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