On 13 Dec 2000, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> And admittedly, the perl.org/pm.org/perl.com split is never clear to
> most visitors (or even to the people who maintain it).  I'm just
> afraid of another arbitrary demarcation like this.

i assume you mean the www hosts since you are talking about web sites.
the domains themselves do a lto more than jsut web thingys.

it's very clear to me and i think it is clear to mjd, and i wouldn't say
that it is unclear to most visitors.  some visitors will always be
confused about a website no matter what it is or how much you tell them
about it. :) 

the trouble is what people think a particular website should do and what
it actually does. 

brian d foy                              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Director of Technology, Smith Renaud, Inc.
875 Avenue of the Americas, 2510, New York, NY  10001
        V: (212) 239-8985

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