On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, ed phillips wrote:

> You can scale any of these databases; Oracle, MySQL or PostgreSQL, but
> please research each one thoroughly and tune it properly before you do
> your benchmarking.  And, again, MySQL does support transactions now.
> Such chutzpah for them to have promoted an "atomic operations"
> paradigm for so long without supporting transactions! But that
> discussion is moot now.

Well, it's a bit quieter. Most serious database people wouldn't consider
BDB tables a proper transaction model, but it's given MySQL that checkbox

> Please be advised that MySQL is threaded and must be tuned properly to
> handle many concurrent users on Linux. See the docs at
> http://www.mysql.com The author of the PHP Builder column did not do
> his research, so his results for MySQL on Linux are way off.

Well he had been running SourceForge on MySQL for a long time, so I'd be
surprised if he didn't know what he was doing. Do you have more evidence
that his setup was incorrect in some way?

> Happily, though, even he got some decent results from PostgreSQL 7.0.

The tests showing Pg to be faster were with one of the 7.1 betas.

> The kernel of wisdom here:  If you are going to use one of the Open
> Source databases, please use the latest stable release (they improve
> quickly!) and please either hire someone with some expertise
> installing and administering, and tuning your database of choice on
> your platform of choice or do the research thoroughly yourself.

Agreed 100%.


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