Hi everyone.  This actually isn't mod_perl per se, but I'm hoping that other web developers might know something about this.  I'm having cookie problems with, interestingly enough, both Netscape and MSIE.  I'm setting a cookie in a page.  Included in the page is an inline document (can be anything - CSS, pic, JS, DTD, XSLT - anything loaded inline).  The browser requests to the inline pages do NOT include the cookie I've just set.  Anyone know why this is, or even better: how to make these inline requests include the cookie?
By the way, may as well mention what I'm seeing with both browsers.  Netscape's simply not showing anything.  MSIE actually does worse - if a cookie's just been expired, it'll send it (the old obsolete cookie) on the inline requests for some dumb reason, but won't send the new one until second time around...
Any help would be... well... helpful :-)
Internet is a wonderful mechanism for making a fool of
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Moving the mouse won't get you into trouble...  Clicking it might.
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