On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Robert Landrum wrote:

> >You may want to take a look at Apache::ImageMagick (if you not already
> >have). It's let's you create thumbnails very easy (just two parameters
> >pic.xxx/scale?geometry=100x100) and ImageMagick supports over 80 different
> >formats. It also handles conversion from 4 color pictures to RGB for your
> >thumbnails and many other things, if you need them.
> ImageMagick is way too slow for use in a production system. 
> Especially if your resizing large images into thumbnails.  I suggest 
> sacrificing space for speed and pre-generating all your thumbnails.

I do that too (with Image::Magick).  If the pictures are large it
takes forever to scale them even with a more efficient lib.

> Most of the time libjpeg will do everything you need, including 
> scaling.  I suggestion GD with Jpeg support or Inline.pm/C/libjpeg 
> for real time conversion of jpegs.

libjpeg doesn't (afaik) do sharpening/unsharp mask and the two
billion other things that are nice to have if you are trying to get
a high quality output.


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