> However both applications make use of the UNIERVSAL package to create
> universally accessible methods (to return the current database handle for
> example) within the application.

Better to put those into a package of your own and call them with
fully-qualified names, or import them as Tatsuhiko demonstrated.

> The thing is I am getting some weird behaviour where one application seems
> to be getting code from the other. In theory this isn't possible with the
> separated namespaces. I suspect my UNIERVSAL use is the problem.

There is just one Perl interpreter per process, and thus one namespace and
one UNIVERSAL package.  If you try to create two different versions of the
sub UNIVERSAL::foo() it won't work: there can be only one.  This is true for
any package name, actually.  If you need separate subs, name them
differently or put them in separate packagaes.

- Perrin

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