darren chamberlain writes:
 > Quoting J S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Mar 07, 2002 12:18]:
 > > I've installed an apache build I did onto a Solaris
 > > 2.6 box, and when I try to start it I get the following error message:
 > > 
 > > ld.so.1: /opt/apache_1.3.22/bin/httpd: fatal: libperl.so.1: open failed:
 > > No such file or directory
 > > Killed
 > > 
 > > I can't find libperl.so on either the original box, or the box
 > > I'm installing to. Can anyone help me out please?
 > You shouldn't need to find libperl.so if you've built it
 > statically.

He does need libperl.so if he built *perl* to use a shared libperl
instead of a static libperl.a

I guess setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly (to include
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.x/i386-linux/CORE or wherever the main perl library
is located on that box) should fix the problem.

Michael Peppler                              Data Migrations, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           *or*          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
International Sybase User Group: http://www.isug.com

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