Ian D. Stewart wrote:
> On 2002.05.27 12:57 Andrew McNaughton wrote:
>> Sounds to me like you're not setting your content-type correctly for
>> some
>> reason.  Have a look at the headers being sent out.  It's either not
>> sending this header, or it's sending something the browser doesn't
>> know
>> what to do with.
> This is the content of test.pl
> -- 
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # your httpd.conf should have something like this:
> # Alias /perl/  /real/path/to/perl-scripts/
> # <Location /perl>
> # SetHandler  perl-script
> # PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> # PerlSendHeader On
> # Options +ExecCGI
> # </Location>
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> print "<b>Date: ", scalar localtime, "</b><br>\n";
> print "%ENV: <br>\n", map { "$_ = $ENV{$_} <br>\n" } keys %ENV;
> -- 
> Based on this, I would expect the content to be set to text/html and the 
> page to be displayed to be a listing of the current environment.
> Galeon identifies the content type as application/x-perl.  This would 
> seem to indicate to me that Apache is serving the script directly 
> instead of executing the script and serving the output.  According to 
> the mod_perl Guide, the ExecCGI option (which I have set for Location 
> /perl) is supposed to avoid this situation.

issue a request from the command line and look at the saved response. 
Use lwp's GET, or 'lynx -dump' or any other favorite downloading utility.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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