Ted Prah wrote:
> Hi again,
> I'm having trouble seeing module changes when I reload
> a script that uses it.  

That's because Reload.pm doesn't re-exports the symbols when reloading 
the module and test.pl doesn't call import() because it sees the module 
in %INC, therefore it still sees the old sub till the moment it gets 
recompiled. Below you will find a complete analysis.

> I'm using Apache::Reload and my test
> script/module is as follows:
> test.pl
> --------------------
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use My::Test qw(:subs);
> print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
> &test1();
> --------------------
> Test.pm
> --------------------
> package My::Test;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
>     use Exporter ();
>     @ISA       = qw(Exporter);
>     @EXPORT    = qw();
>     @EXPORT_OK = qw();
>     %EXPORT_TAGS = (
>                     subs => [qw(test1)],
>                    );
>     Exporter::export_ok_tags('subs');
> }
> sub test1 { print "In test1 func\n"; }
> 1;
> --------------------

adjust the test.pl to do:

test1(); print \&test1, "\n";
#test2(); print \&test2, "\n";

and My::Test.pm to:

warn "test1:", \&test1, "\n";
#warn "test2:", \&test2, "\n";
sub test1 { print "In test1 func\n"; }
#sub test2 { print "In test2 func\n"; }

The first time you run the script you will see:

In test1 func


you can see that both test1 and My::Test::test1 point to the same sub.

> When I modify sub test1, and I reload - no changes appear
> in the browser.  The following gets printed to error_log:
> Subroutine test1 redefined at /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/Test.pm line 22.

In test1 func


as you see the test1 is not the same as My::Test::test1

> When I touch test.pl - the changes appear.  The following gets printed
> to error_log:
> Subroutine test1 redefined at /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/test.pl line 5

In test11 func

now it points to the recent My::Test::test1

In that way you can debug any "mysteries" in Perl code.

Now, how to solve this problem. For example comment out
             require $key;

in Reload.pm

that way, test.pl will see that My::Test is not in %INC, and require it 
+ call its import() method.

Tell if this worked and we may adjust Reload.pm to have a special mode 
where it makes Perl forget about modified modules and let the code that 
loaded them in first place do the loading (and therefore the importing).

> Finally, if I add a new subroutine test2 to Test.pm, export it, and
> update the test.pl script to call test2, the script fails with an
> Internal
> Server Error.  The following gets printed to error_log:
> "test2" is not exported by the My::Test module at
> /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/test.pl line 5
> [Wed May 22 15:26:12 2002] [error] Can't continue after import errors at
> /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/test.pl line 5
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/
> My/test.pl line 5.
> Then, when I restart the server, the script runs fine.

Hmm, this one is different. Seems like a bug in Exporter.

if you remove Reload.pm from the setup, so it won't confuse you and 
adjust the code to do:

do "My/Test.pm";

you will see that it fails as well. This code acts like Reload.pm, but 
always reloads the module. So it's not Reload.pm's fault.

Is anybody else  familiar with this Exporter's (mis)behavior?

The solution that I see is to use something like this:

package My::Test;

use strict;
use warnings;

sub import {
     my $package = shift;

     no strict 'refs';
     for (@_) {
         *{ (caller)[0] . "::$_" } = \&{$_};

sub test1 { print "In test1 func\n"; }
sub test2 { print "In test2 func\n"; }


If somebody else can see the problem with Exporter may be we need to run 
it through p5p.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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