If I can't find the mod_perl rpm I need, it's looking like I might need to build it from source. I believe this would mean also building Perl and Apache from source.

Now, I have a redhat-installed Perl already. From past discussions, the best idea seemed to be to create a 2nd perl installation for Apache/mod_perl to use, perhaps located in /usr/local.

The thing I'm fuzzy on is how to tell my mod_perl programs to use this mod_perl. Is it enough to have the LoadModule line point to my build-from-scratch mod_perl.so?

Also, if I want to use this 2nd perl for scripts, is it as simple as changing the top line to #!/usr/local/bin/perl. Do I have to worry about library pathes or environment variables?

I assume I'll need to keep separate lib/perl5 trees as well and I'll need to install the various cpan modules I use twice.

Any tips would be appreciated.


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