On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 15:46, Steve Hay wrote:
> Hi Philippe,
> Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:
> >The URL
> >
> >    http://perl.apache.org/dist/mod_perl-1.28.tar.gz
> >
> >has entered CPAN
> >
> I still get the same test failures that I reported before when RC2 was 
> announced:
> modules/request.......FAILED tests 3-8
>         Failed 6/10 tests, 40.00% okay
> Setup: Windows XP, Perl 5.8.0, Apache 1.3.27, Apache-Test 1.03, 
> libapreq-1.2 (built/installed *after* mod_perl 1.28).
> I used to have "All tests successful" under mp-1.27.
> (I note that Apache::Reload didn't make it in either; I thought the plan 
> was to put a backport of the version from mp2 into it?)

After discussing this at length with Stas, we decided it would be
simpler to release 1.28 as-is (since it's been almost a year since the
last release) and quicken the release milestone of 1.29 to include
Apache::Reltoad and a whole bunch of other 'controversial' unresolved

So, Apache::Reload did not make it, but:

1. it is on CPAN
2. Apache::StatINC is still in 
3. mod_perl-1.29 will have Apache::Reload
4. mod_perl-1.29 will be released soon

So, that's what it'll be for now folks !

> Steve

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