Stas Bekman wrote:

Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:

Also, you don't realy have to do that. The old ala mp1 style works just fine.

use Apache::Const qw(OK DECLINED)

sub handler {

return OK;

Well... I must have been smoking crack, 'cause I seem to remember a simple:

return MP2 ? Apache::OK : OK

throwing an error, hence, the change to:

MP2 ? Apache::OK : Apache::Constants::OK

Now that I test it, though, there doesn't seem to be a problem... :P

May be you haven't been importing the constant. These two aren't the same:

use Apache::Const qw(OK DECLINED);
use Apache::Const -compile => qw(OK DECLINED);

the latter only compiles the constants, the former compiles and imports it.


Here is the code:

       if (MP2) {
               require Apache::Const;
               require Apache::Access;
               require Apache::Connection;
               require Apache::Log;
               require Apache::RequestRec;
               require Apache::RequestUtil;
               Apache::Const->import(-compile => 'HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED','OK');
       } else {
               require Apache::Constants;

(Or, variations upon it...) As I've said, though, my code is dying with an error on Apache::Constants anymore.... If I hit it again, I will post the error message that I was getting.


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