On 8/26/03 8:48 PM, "Stas Bekman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> Larry Leszczynski wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Aug 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>> Please advise on another way to tell people to respond to the list and not
>>> in 
>>> private. I used to receive much less off-list replies earlier.
>> [snip]
>>> Purhaps adding a list signature:
>>> Always post followups back to the list!
>>> will help, but who reads that.
>> Unfortunately I think we've all seen enough "unsubscribe me" emails to
>> know that people don't read the info that is *already* being added to the
>> outgoing mail...
> One can argue that it's not obvious that one has to look at the headers to
> find out the unsubscribe information. Most modern mail-clients hide the
> headers by default. You need to know that you want to look at them.
> I think the new signature that Ask has added last week doesn't leave place for
> such valid excuses ;)
>> Stas, you probably get it worst just because of the volume of mail you
>> send to the list (which we're all grateful for!).  Maybe when you do your
>> mod_perl list reading you should just configure your outgoing email with:
>>    Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Kind of a pain for you though...
> Hmm, that's an idea. Won't the list software strip this header? I shell try it
> now. If it works I should just figure out how to add an outgoing mozilla-mail
> filter to push this header, if the email is sent to the modperl list.

I thought this was a strange behavior for the list messages when I realized
that I had replied, accidentally, to Stas personally and not the list. I
subscribe to six lists, and mod_perl is the *only* one where my email reader
automatically replies to the sender and not the list. All the other lists
automatically put the list email address in the Reply-to: of the distributed
posts, thus making replying to the list the default. Couldn't that be
changed for modperl?


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