I've got a case where my DBI connections appear to be timing out and not
reconnecting.  Google just points to the old timeout problem that should
be solved.

I've set Apache::DBI::DEBUG to 2, and I'm not seeing _any_ messages
(from it) in the error log.  Apache::Status lists Apache DBI, but lists
no database connections.

Advice most welcome

Perl version v5.6.1 for Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) AuthPG/1.2 mod_perl/1.27

Database is Postgres  (I can dig up version, but it's recent but not most

I have no startup.pl (just trying to get it to work at this point)

Scripts are in /login, and call DBI->connect() and disconnect().  They
work, until the connection drops.  (Normally, it doesn't time out, but
the connection will eventually drop when the network fritzes, figure
once or twice a week.)  Then I get 
 DBD::Pg::st execute failed: no connection to the server at (my module)
in the error log.  It looks as if Apache::DBI isn't pinging it, but my
efforts to look into have just left me confused...Apache::DBI is loaded,
according to Apache::Status, But why won't it log any material?

httpd.conf looks like: (test server obviously)

MinSpareServers 1
MaxSpareServers 1
StartServers 1

<IfModule mod_perl.c>
  PerlTaintCheck On
  PerlWarn On
  PerlModule Apache::Status 
  PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On
  PerlSetVar StatusTerse On
  PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize On
  PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary On
  PerlModule B::TerseSize
  PerlModule Apache::DBI
  PerlModule Apache::StatINC
  PerlSetVar StatINC_Debug 1
<Location /perl-status>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Status
<Location /login>
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  SetHandler perl-script
  Options +ExecCGI

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