I would like to append a small line of log information
to a file on certain apache2 requests.  For this
application, I am very concerned about speed, so i'm
looking for fast simple solutions. 

I could stuff the information in the error log as per
and parse it out later off-line, but I'd prefer to
reserve the error log for errors.

I could stuff the information in the access log, and
likewise pull out the data later off-line: how might I
get data to the access_log?

The most natural place to append the information would
be a dedicated file.  I've never written to a file
from mod_perl, and don't know the correct idiom
(flock? etc?) to do so.  

I'd appreciate any pointers to recipes, modules, etc.
to show me the correct (fast, reliable) way to append
to a file under MP2.



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