Ah, an old message of mine. I think this in the end boiled down to mod_perl writing this particular error to the server's main error_log and not to the actual virtual server's error_log where other errors go.

This might have been fixed. I still run the same build of mp2 (because it works) but I guess I should upgrade :)

Thanks, -Kurt.

Stas Bekman wrote:



In response to :

Kurt George Gjerde wrote:
 > BTW: I've fixed my "can't coerce GLOB to string" problem I had last
 > Was unrelated to mod_perl (sorry). It seems XML::LibXSLT produced some
 > errors which went straight to STDERR. Under CGI these ends up in the
 > error_log but under mod_perl it seems STDERR is just a black hole (?).
 > Would it be possible to map STDERR to log_error()?

Unless I'm missing something, mod_perl doesn't do anything special with
(it does tie STDIN and STDOUT for 'perl-script' handlers). Apache opens
to error_log, and then everything just works. e.g. if you do:

warn "Foo";
print STDERR "OOOPS\n";

this ends up in error_log, no?

I suppose that XML::LibXSLT redefines STDERR then. Try to see what it
does to
create this problem.

The key to this problem is that the function $parser->parse_string()
cannot take a scalar as argument.

This way it works and doesn't produce "Can't coerce ..." anymore :

my $sheet = $parser->parse_string(<<'EOT');
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
<xsl:output method="text" indent="no"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="FILTER_RULE NAT_RULE LOG_RULE"/>
<!-- this XSLT sheet transforms a netfilter XML rule document into an
iptables script -->

<xsl:template match="NETFILTER">



Best regards

Jean Philippe GUILLEMIN

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