Peter Hartzler wrote:


We're looking into using your Apache::AuthenSmb module to allow us to
migrate our intranet to GNU/Linux/Apache.  One issue we have is that we
have two NT domains.  I have a couple of different ideas for how to modify
the code to allow this scenario, and am wondering if you have any thoughts
on this, or would be interested in a patch, or have a patch, or this is
already possible and somehow I've missed it...

There are a couple of obvious considerations, such as the possibility of userid duplication in the two domains (we don't do that), the need to not break existing/legacy configurations, and perhaps the desirability of passing the user's domain to the script (not sure about that one).

Anyhow, thanks for the very useful code, and do feel welcome to jump in if anything moves you!

Best Regards,



I think that Apache-AuthenNTLM may fit the bill for you. Check it out at:

You are able to create mappings for more than one domain.

Also, please include the modperl mailing list in your replies. (This email may have information that will help others in the future :) )


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