>I am of course assuming you went to Popscene when it
        >was at LA2 and not the Gay night on Saturday which
        >would put a completely different complexion on the
        >whole thing.

Does a geezer called Geoff still Dj there? The Club X do. Or is that defunct
as well? He had glasses and a rather unhealthy addiction to grade A
narcotics if I remember rightly. A friend of mine went to LSE Uni with his
girlfriend, can't remember her name, but recall she was very thin but rather
attractive. At the time I met him, I was in transition between Mod and
Indiekid and had a suit, parka and long hair! (like LONG hair) Oh if only
I'd have known then what I know now. 
     He was kind enough to get me on the guest list, it was mi 18th
birthday, he put my parka behind the Dj decks upstairs and when I went to
drag it out, I accidentally pulled all the wires out for the speakers and
the Dj, Rory (who took a shine to a friend of mine, she's still available if
anyone knows him!) I think his name was, went mental. I made my excuses and
      Anyway, last time I saw his name he was doing the Time Tunnel or
        Is that geezer still around? 
               Just Curious...

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