Oh I almost forgot.

Today when I went on my lunch hour down into town to meet my friend this guy
wanted to take my picture.
Now there are a lot of weird folk wondering about in Bradford so I was a bit
weary of him at first.
Basically with working for BT I am issued BT corporate suit, which is far
from mod!
Anyway for work I just slap on my Parker which covers up the clothes, so all
that is showing is the navy blue trousers which I must say surprisingly fit
me well.
Basically with my coat, shoes and hair I kind of get away with looking
vaigly mod.
Anyway I was waiting for my friend leaning against the wall in a kind of
Quadrophinia advertising shot and this bloke come running up to me with this
camera satchel.
Turns out he's taking pictures of folk up until the millennium so that in
the new year he can put on an exhibition called people at the end of the
century of something?
Anyway he says he likes my image and he wanted to take a photo of me to put
in his collection to show how a 40 year old culture is still going on at the
end of the century.
Poor sod was so embarrassed when he found he had run out of film but he
still wanted my photo so said he would come back tomorrow.

Thinking about it, its quite a large burden to carry and I didn't even look
that good!

Don't know weather or not to go back now?


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