On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, John Milton wrote:

> How far along is the mod_ssl port to Apache 2?

Done, for all intents and purposes.  AFAIK, the only big still-missing
functionality is the per-directory POST renegotiations.

> Has anyone hacked up a distributed session cache?

Not that I'm aware of.  But somebody out there might have one I suppose...

> Would a dbm session cache over NFS work?

Hmmm... probably not.  For one thing, it would be slow.  For another,
files are typically not lockable over NFS.  With multiple writers I'd
think it would be pretty easy to corrupt the dbm.  But I'm not positive.
Try it and see what happens I guess.

> Did the old Apache-SSL ssl_gcache ever work as a DSC?
> How did ssl_gcache deal with security/integrity of the cache?

You'd probably have to ask the Apache-SSL guys on that one.

> Is this problem even worse: Does the client throw away
>   it's current session key every time it gets a different
>   session key from the web server?

It's supposed to, yes.

> I see that there is a great deal of work on distributed
>   shared memory (mostly for parallel computing). Has anyone
>   put one of these solutions under mm?

Don't think so.  And anyway, Apache 2.0's mod_ssl doesn't use mm.


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