
Look at Ralph Engelshall's paper on the Apache web site discussing the
mod_rewrite module.  You can provide all the SSL/TLS support on your
front-end server and use mod_rewrite to generate HTTP requests to the old
web server.

Merton Campbell Crockett

On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Chris Davis wrote:

>  Hi,
>  I'm looking for a method to hide an old web server behind
>  a modssl server. The hidden server has several applications
>  served over http. What I'd like is for https requests
>  to be rewritten in modssl and proxied to the hidden
>  internal system.
>  I installed a second interface on the modssl system. From
>  the modssl system I can access the internal web server.
>  In a virtualhost clause for the modssl system I've added
>  ProxyRequests On
>  ProxyRemote https://modssl/MyApp http://10.x.x.x
>  I'd like requests of the form
>  https://modssl/MyApp/pgm?SomeArgument=Value to be proxied
>  to the internal system as http://10.x.x.x/pgm?SomeArgument=Value
>  I receive a 404 in the browser and the following in my error log.
> [Wed Mar 04 11:14:25 2003] [error] (20014)Error string
> not specified yet: Cannot store SSL session to DBM file
> `/usr/local/www/logs/ssl_scache'
> [Wed Mar 04 11:14:25 2003] [error] [client] File does not exist:
> /usr/local/www/htdocs/MyApp
>  Is it possible to have modssl proxy an http conversation?
>  Thanks for any advice, Chris

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ORG:                            General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems;
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N:                              Crockett;Merton;Campbell
EMAIL;TYPE=internet:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TEL;TYPE=work,voice,msg,pref:   +1(805)497-5045
TEL;TYPE=work,fax:              +1(805)497-5050
TEL;TYPE=cell,voice,msg:        +1(805)377-6762
END:                            vcard

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
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