I've been performing some stress tests on the following environment:

- Redhat 8.0
- Apache web server 2.0.47
- openSSL 0.9.7c

the tests have involved accessing simple web pages many times using an
automated load generator.

Whilst memory utilization without mod_ssl load was seen to be flat (using
gkrellm) - as soon as I loaded mod_ssl and started to use SSL connections
memory increases and grows.

I've done tests with server authn and with client authn - there would appear
to be a memory leak in both cases.

In order to obtain more accurate memory utilization metrics due to httpd
with mod_ssl I've produced a utility that logged every minute the average
RSS over all of the httpd threads I had loaded (1074 in all).

In a period of 5 hours I had a leak of 25 Mbytes - per httpd thread

A few more details on the test:
        - 100 "virtual" clients
        - total load of about 45 trans/sec - because of a few embedded images this
results in about 70->80/sec HTTP GETs
        - each HTTP GET in general will result in a new SSL connection
        - in all about 500,000 trans where performed.

Please let me know if you would like any other information.  I do have
output from the load generator and the utility that I can send anyone.


Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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