Title: Domain Name Mismatch
what is your ServerName in apache/ssl .conf file ?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 11:17 AM
Subject: Domain Name Mismatch

Greetings All,

After much scouring of the web (modssl mailing list archives, newsgroups, websites) I can't seem to find a resolution to my problem. I've built apache_1.3.33, mod_ssl-2.8.22-1.3.33 and mm-1.3.1 as per the modssl INSTALL doc, section b (the flexible APACI-only way). Modssl is built and loaded as a DSO. I have a Verisign global certificate that I've installed, along with the appropriate intermediate certificate (SSLCertificateChainFile). I have also installed the root CA certs as well (SSLCACertificateFile).

Here is my problem. When I navigate to the site (FQDN, not IP), via a browser (IE, Firefox, Mozilla…), I get a Domain Name Mismatch error reported by the browser. When I view the certificate, it shows that the CN matches the FQDN of the website, exactly. The website is www.myhost.domain.com and the CN that I used to create the cert is also www.myhost.domain.com. There is no mismatch between the FQDN of the site and the CN in the cert, yet the browser thinks there is. I can do a forward and reverse lookup on the FQDN and it's corresponding IP and both are correct, so this leads me to believe it's not a DNS issue. I viewed the cert in IE and checked the certificate path (3rd tab). The certificate status of all three certs (root, intermediate and my cert) is reported as 'OK'. The intermediate and root CA's also load with no errors (verified in the ssl_engine_log). This leads me to believe it's not a chaining problem. I've also tried creating and signing my own cert for testing purposes and I have the same issue, so that leads me to believe it's not a cert issue. I've also verified the csr, cert and key and they all match up.

I'm at a loss here, so any help would be greatly appreciated. From all my research and what I've read, my error should really only stem from not using the FQDN of the site when creating the csr, but this is not the case. I quadruple checked it and I've created test certs as well, with the same results. Has anyone had a similar problem? Any suggestions on apache server config? I've even tried it with the most basic SSL options enabled in my httpd.conf file that would allow the hosting of an SSL enabled site. Thanks for your time and suggestions!

Scott Haskell
Solaris SA, Merrill Lynch Pro, San Francisco

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