Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: everything works AOK if I try using http
instead (hence, I'm posting on the modssl list).
Keith Hellman                             #include <disclaimer.h>
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                from disclaimer import standard
                    public key @ pgp.mit.edu 9FCF40FD 
    Y!M: mcprogramming                           AIM/ICQ: 485403897       
                     gtalk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      

"We will perhaps eventually be writing only small modules which are identified
by name as they are used to build larger ones, so that devices like
indentation, rather than delimiters, might become feasible for expressing local
structure in the source language."

-- Donald E. Knuth, "Structured Programming with goto Statements", Computing
Surveys, Vol 6 No 4, Dec. 1974

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