On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 04:34:03PM -0800, Schuyler Erle wrote:
> Hello. I've written a DBD module to wrap other DBD handles and provide
> intelligent drop-in support for asymmetrically replicated databases
> (e.g., MySQL v3). First I was going to call it DBD::Switch, but then I
> noticed that DBI.pm implements a DBD::Switch. So I decided to call it
> DBD::Multiplex. I wrote a first draft and *then* discovered that DBI
> ships with a DBD::Multiplex as well. So I can't figure out what the hell
> to call this module. Suggestions?

Is it not possible to implement the functionality you need by using
(or extending) DBD::Multiplex?


It's exactly the kind of application that DBD::Multiplex exists for
and if DBD::Multiplex can't support it now then it needs to be
fixed/extended so it can. Edwin Pratomo recently contributed
some master/slave logic that may already do exactly want you need.


> Please find the relevant code attached. I welcome other code-related
> recommendations, as well. (Please note that I haven't actually tested
> the code in its current incarnation yet -- I'll write tests and make
> sure they work before releasing to the CPAN.) TIA for your help.
> =head1 NAME
> DBD::Multiplex - Perl extension for intelligently multiplexing DBI database handles
> =head1 SYNOPSIS
>   use DBI;
>   # Create a single multiplexed DBI handle.
>   #
>   my $dsn  = "DBI:Multiplex:driver:dbname:master_host";
>   my $dbh  = DBI->connect( $dsn, $user1, $pass1, 
>     { multi_read => [ "DBI:driver:dbname:slave_host", $user2, $pass2, ... ] }
>   );
>   # Create a multiplexed handle using the same username and password.
>   #
>   my $dbh  = DBI->connect( "DBI:Multiplex:driver:dbname,master_host",
>       $user, $pass, { multi_read => "DBI:driver:dbname:slave_host" } );
>   # Create a multiplexed handle using the same driver, database name, 
>   # username *and* password.
>   #
>   my $dbh  = DBI->connect( "DBI:Multiplex:driver:dbname:master_host:slave_host",
>       $user, $pass, { ... } );
>   # Use replicated read-only database.
>   #
>   my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM foo" );     
>   # Use master read/write database.
>   #
>   my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "UPDATE foo SET bar = ?" );
>   # Use a callback to provide custom SQL dispatch.
>   #
>   my %attr = ( multi_prepare => \&my_special_prepare, ... <custom params here> ... );
>   my $dbh  = DBI->connect( "DBI:Multiplex:...", $user, $pass, \%attr );
> DBD::Multiplex attempts to address the problem of clustering database servers that 
> support asymmetric replication. MySQL version 3 is a notable example: Writes made to
> a master server are instantly replicated by slave servers, but writes to slave 
> are essentially ignored.
> DBD::Multiplex takes a "multi_read" attribute that points to a slave database.
> Henceforth, SELECT statements made on the multiplexed handle are always directed to 
> "read-only" sub-handle, while all other database traffic is directed to the master 
> DBD::Multplex handles behave in every other respect just as do the original DBD 
> being multplexed.
> DBD::Multiplex is hence a virtually "drop-in" solution for porting existing DBI code 
> an asymmetrically replicated database cluster. Although designed for use with MySQL 
> this module uses no database-specfic features, and can theoretically be used to 
> any DBD driver. Additionally, DBD::Multiplex features pluggable custom multiplexing
> via callbacks.
> =over 4
> =item DBI->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass, $attr )
> Same as your typical DBI call, except that the DSN takes the form
> "DBI:Multiplex:actual_driver:...". DBD::Multiplex also supports a unified
> DSN of the form "DBI:Multiplex:driver:database:master_host:slave_host", where
> the same driver, database name, username and password are used to connect
> to both the master and slave database servers.
> =item $dbh->prepare( $statement )
> Works just like you'd expect. Transparently sends SELECT statements
> to the read-only handle listed in the "multi_read" database handle
> attribute, directs all other traffic to the main database handle.
> =item Other Database & Statement Methods
> Had better work just like they ordinarily would, or I've screwed
> something up.
> =back
> The following attributes can be passed in the attribute hash in
> the call to DBI->connect():
> =over 4
> =item multi_read ( $dsn )
> multi_read should be set to the DSN of the read-only slave server,
> unless you use the "unified" DSN style described above.
> =item multi_read_user ( $user )
> =item multi_read_pass ( $pass )
> =item multi_read_attr ( { ... } )
> The username, password, and attribute hash for the read-only slave
> database. If either or both of these is left unset, the value passed
> to the master database handle is used instead.
> =item multi_connect ( CODE )
> =item multi_prepare ( CODE )
> multi_connect and multi_prepare can be set to references to 
> subroutines that will be called after a database handle is created, 
> and instead of the regular multiplexed prepare(), respectively. One
> might set these callbacks, perhaps in conjunction with custom
> connect() attributes, to provide sophisticated custom multiplexing.
> =item multi_debug
> Provides a bunch of mostly useless diagnostic data when set to true.
> =back
> This module goes out of its way to make Apache::DBI do approximately 
> the right thing. Almost too far.
> =head1 BUGS, CAVEATS, and other WHATNOT
> This is a total hack. It's probably designed all wrong, but it was intended
> to be dropped right in to existing applications and just work, not to be pretty.
> I think I hate the interface, but I'm not sure what to do about it.
> Recommendations welcome.
> Note that the structure of the DBD::Multiplex module is intentionally flat, to
> make it easy to subclass, on the off-chance you, say, don't like the callback
> interface or want to do something more sophisticated with it. This does mean, 
> that one can perhaps inadvertently do really strange things, like call connect() on a
> statement handle, etc. I don't know what this means for the state of the free
> world at large, but I'll take suggestions.
> =head1 AUTHOR
> Schuyler D. Erle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> =head1 COPYRIGHT
> This code is copyright (c) 2002 O'Reilly & Associates, and is distributed under the
> same terms as perl itself.
> =head1 SEE ALSO
> L<perl>, L<DBI>
> =cut
> package DBD::Multiplex;
> use DBI ();
> use strict;
> use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION $err $errstr $drh @db_export );
> use constant DEBUG => 1;
> @ISA      = "DBI::dr";
> $VERSION    = "0.10";
> $err      = 0;       # holds error code   for DBI::err
> $errstr           = "";      # holds error string for DBI::errstr
> $drh      = undef;   # holds driver handle once initialized
> @db_export  = qw( prepare ping ); # Subs we want to export to compound dbh classes.
> #### A couple subs you might want to override if subclassing...
> sub post_connect
> {
>     my ( $drh, $dbh, $user, $pass, $attr ) = @_;
>     if ( my $dsn = $dbh->{multi_read} ) {
>       # Use the default user, password, etc. if the DSN is specified as a string.
>       $dsn = [ $dsn, $user, $pass, $attr ] unless ref $dsn;
>       warn "$dbh: Creating read-only handle $dsn->[0]...\n" if $dbh->{multi_debug};
>       # Get the read-only handle, and stash it in the read-write handle.
>       $dbh->{multi_read_dbh} = DBI->connect( @$dsn ) or return;
>     }
>     return 1;
> }
> sub prepare_multiplexed 
> {
>     my $dbh = shift;
>     my $st  = shift;
>     # If this is a SELECT statement, and we have a read-only handle, use it.
>     #
>     # Otherwise, use the read/write handle with its original prepare method.
>     #
>     if ( $st =~ /^\W*SELECT\b/io and $dbh->{multi_read_dbh} ) {
>       warn "$dbh->prepare: caught select, using read-only handle: $st\n" if 
>       return $dbh->{multi_read_dbh}->prepare( $st, @_ );
>     } else {
>       warn "$dbh->prepare: not a select, using primary handle ($dbh): $st\n" if 
>       return $dbh->SUPER::prepare( @_ );
>     }
> }
> #### DBD::Multiplex specific what-not.
> sub _subclass
> {
>     my ( $drh, $dbh ) = @_;
>     no strict 'refs';
>     # Build the original driver class name, and the mixin class name.
>     ( my $dbd   = ref($dbh) || $dbh ) =~  s/::db$//o;
>     ( my $mixin = $drh              ) =~  s/(::dr)?$/::$dbd/o;
>     unless ( %{"$mixin\::db::"} ) { # Been there, done it.
>       # Instantiate the mixin classes, if they don't already exist.
>       @{"$mixin\::$_\::ISA"} = "$dbd\::$_" for (qw( st db ));
>       # Export db handle methods.
>       *{"$mixin\::db::$_"} = $drh->can($_) for @db_export;
>     }
>     return "$mixin\::db";
> }
> #### Overridden DBD functions.
> sub driver
> {
>     my ($class, $attr) = @_;
>     return $drh if $drh;
>     $drh = DBI::_new_drh( $class, { 
>       Name        => $class,
>         Version           => $VERSION,
>         Err       => \$err,
>         Errstr            => \$errstr,
>         Attribution => "$class $VERSION by Schuyler Erle <schuyler\@oreilly.com>",
>       %$attr
>     });
>     return $drh;
> }
> sub connect
> {
>     my $drh                        = shift;
>     my ( $dsn, $user, $pass, $attr ) = @_;
>     my %clean_attr;
>     # Parse out the DSN. See if we have a "unified" style DSN.
>     my ( $dbi, $multi, $driver, $dbname, $master, $slave, $etc )
>       = split( ":", $dsn, 6 );
>     # If not, stuff whatever ended up in $slave onto $etc.
>     if ( defined($slave) and $slave =~ /[=;]/o ) {
>       $etc = $slave . ( defined($etc) ? ":$etc" : "" );
>       $slave = undef;
>     }
>     # Build the "original" master DSN.
>     $dsn = join(":", grep( defined($_), $dbi, $driver, $dbname, $master, $etc ));
>     # Apache/DBI.pm can't handle non-scalar attribute values. So hide everything.
>     #
>     if ( $INC{'Apache/DBI.pm'} and $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} ) {
>       $clean_attr{$_} = $attr->{$_} for grep( !/^multi_/o, keys %$attr );
>     } else {
>       %clean_attr = %$attr;
>     }
>     my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass, $attr ) or return;
>     # Now put all of those arguments back.
>     $dbh->{$_} = $attr->{$_} for grep( !exists $dbh->{$_}, keys %$attr );
>     # Stash the original driver class, so we can call back to it. 
>     $dbh->{multi_rw_driver}  = ref $dbh;
>     # Build the slave's DSN if we were passed a unified DSN.
>     $dbh->{multi_read} ||= 
>       join(":", grep( defined($_), $dbi, $driver, $dbname, $slave, $etc )) 
>       if $slave;
>     # Build the mixin subclasses.
>     my $subclass = $drh->_subclass( $dbh );
>     bless( $dbh, $subclass );
>     # If we've been given a post-connect callback, use it.
>     # Otherwise call post_connect to instantiate the read-only handle (if any).
>     #
>     if ( exists $dbh->{multi_connect} and my $thunk = $dbh->{multi_connect} ) {
>       $drh->$thunk( $dbh, $user, $pass, $attr ) or return;
>     } else {
>       $drh->post_connect( $dbh, $user, $pass, $attr ) or return;
>     }
>     return $dbh;
> }
> sub prepare
> {
>     my $dbh = shift;
>     if ( exists $dbh->{multi_prepare} and my $thunk = $dbh->{multi_prepare} ) {
>       return $dbh->$thunk( @_ );
>     } else {
>       return $dbh->prepare_multiplexed( @_ );
>     }
> }
> sub ping
> {
>     if ( caller eq "Apache::DBI" ) {
>       return 0; # Oh, god, just leave us alone...
>     } else {
>       my $dbh = shift;
>       return $dbh->SUPER::ping( @_ );
>     }
> }
> 1;

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