On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Terrence Brannon wrote:
> 1. developing a good language is very difficult.
> 2. why do we need a template *language*. What is it about templating 
> that requires a new *language*? Templating entails a few simple 
> operations that can be handled in any general purpose language - LISP, 
> Perl, Python, C, C++.
> Terrence "I love speaking to a brick wall" Brannon

I'm one of those lost souls that developed my own templating system only
to find that it was more trouble to keep it working than not.  I've been a
Template Toolkit (TT2) user for two years now and I'm actually working on
real stuff instead of dorking around with making the 'perfect templating
system'.  I've developed rather complex pages using TT2 to the point that
some of them I've reverted back to generating internally in Perl since too
much logic was involved.  But beyond that fact that TT2 has allowed me to 
create some misplaced complexity it has held up extremely well.  It's 
nicely documented and looking inside the code hasn't been too daunting.  
I've had no trouble adding directives that were highly relevant to my 
application which has made the pages that actually get edited as simple 
as I can imagine them being.

Anyone want to start a mailing list for templating system authors 
anonymous?  My name is Chris and I wrote my own templating system.  
[sniffle.]  ;-)


The truth is rarely pure, and never simple.
        -Oscar Wilde, writer (1854-1900)

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