* Michael A Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-09-24 15:59]:
> Since it really takes SQL statements and outputs the result to
> a hash (the "export" part being an implied aspect of invoking
> an SQL query) would it not make more sense to call it
> DBIx::SQL2Hash?

Again, SQL2Hash sounds like it's building a hash from the
grammatical structure of the SQL query. This issue is what I was
addressing with the use of "results"; although one might argue
that it's not specific enough, since it may imply the results
being passed in. "Query" is probably better.

Putting this in its own namespace level is highly debatable; in
retrospect I shouldn't have proposed so.

"Export to hash" is far too vague in my opinion. DBI itself
can return query results as an array of hashes; it isn't clear
how this module does anything different. That's what I tried to
address using "view", to express that a more complex data
structure is implied.

Putting all this together, some revised suggestions:

DBIx::QueriesToHashView  # simple derivative from prev. sugg.
DBIx::MultiQueryHash     # I like this one quite a bit

or something among those lines.

I'll shut up now. :-)

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

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