On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, Jim Cromie wrote:
> OT - Chris, does your email address get you black-holed a lot ?

Not really.  It does raise eyebrows though.  One client had a female
staffer that felt sexually harassed by needing to use that e-mail address
for tech support questions.  [sigh.]  But that inspired me to finally put 
a site up at my domain again to lampoon all those who just haven't gotten
it.  http://www.chicks.net/

> with the amount of porn-spam these days, and not-quite-there 
> filter-tools (mozilla anyway)
> Ive had to de-junk legit email periodically.

Since this is a Perl mailing list, a plug for MailScanner ( 
http://www.mailscanner.info/ ) seems in order.  It's helped us eliminate 
e-mail viruses and does wonderful spam tagging with the integration of 
RBL's, SpamAssassin, virus scanners, and it's own rule sets to manage it 
all.  Very good stuff.


No, no, you're not thinking, you're just being logical.
-Niels Bohr, physicist (1885-1962)

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