--As off Monday, January 19, 2004 11:03 AM -0600, Chris Josephes is alleged to have said:

I have enough trouble remembering APIs without trying to remember
whether I need to load something in namespace of William, Will,
Bill, Willie, or  Willy.

Why would that be? I mean, the odds are if you're dealing with a non-core Perl module, you're going to need to know the name if you want to download it in the first place. If you use a module long enough, you'll get used to how it's called.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

True, but *why* should I (or anyone else, besides the developer themself) know or care who developed it? It's irrelevant: it doesn't have anything to do with what the module does.

Basically, adding the author's name into the name of the module just trades an illusion of a 'clean' TLD for my headspace. I would rather have a messy TLD: there are tools that can help me search and sort that. Perl is *supposed* to help me clean my headspace, by not making me think about the inconsequential and irrelevant.

Daniel T. Staal

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