Title: RE: New module Mail::SendEasy

> I think MIME::Lite isn't in the Module List so the name
> wasn't "peer-reviewed".
> The peer-review process offered by [EMAIL PROTECTED] certainly isn't
> perfect, but I do believe it's very valuable.

Unless I read the file incorrectly MIME::Lite is indeed in the module list, at least I see it there. Afaik its been in the wild since at least 98, if not earlier. (I dont know the full history, I am only the module maintainer)

Also, I believe that MIME::Lite quite likely predates the peer review process, it certainly predates these newfangled root level names like Mail:: and such.

I would argue that MIME isnt actually that bad a name. MIME is the protocol for the contents of a mail. Not related to how mails are recieved, stored, searched, or transmitted.  The fact that MIME::Lite knows how to talk to modules that know how to transmit is seperate from the fact that it intends to manage MIME content mails. Since a mail need not be MIME there is no reason for it to be called Mail:: or whatever.

Anyway, if someone wants to argue that I should put MIME::Lite into a different namespace ill consider it. It wouldnt be too difficult to also have it called Mail::MIME::Lite or whatever.


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