On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 01:22:56AM -0500, David Manura wrote:
> Since there has been some discussion recently on improving search.cpan.org 
> search results, here's an initial attempt to apply the Google-inspired 
> PageRank algorithm on Perl modules when interpreting module dependencies as 
> links:
>   http://www.math2.org/david/perlrank
> The top rated modules are provided below:


This is a splendid thing: thank you very much.  A third ranking that I would
consider very interesting, and I guess others too, would be a CPAN top 10 with
any modules in the current stable perl (5.8.2?) exlcuded: So File::Spec, Data::Dumper, 
Storable I think, Test::Harness removed.


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