On May 18, 2004 11:25 am, Chris Josephes wrote:
> On Tue, 18 May 2004, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
> > Since the whole framework is 100% Perl, I feel it would be worth it to
> > publish it on CPAN, especially since the underlying Perl modules can be
> > extended by other users.  This is the kind of problem I'd like to solve
> > with a new top level namespace.
> The provisioning application sounds pretty cool, and it would probably get
> some feedback and use if it was published.
> Look over the custom modules you wrote and ask yourself the following
> for each one.
> 1. Does it stand alone on its own merits and provide a public function, or
> is it only really suitable when it's bundled with your application?
> 2. Will using an existing namespace in CPAN pollute that namespace with
> modules that don't work well without the entire framework of your
> application?

Where possible I have used existing CPAN modules, like DateTime, Class::DBI, 
and so forth.  The Perl modules in this application implement the business 
logic that ties all those other CPAN modules together.

For instance, I have classes that inherit from Class::DBI to represent my 
database, SAWA classes that implement the application's event handlers, and 
so forth.

I have already broken off bits of the application into stand-alone CPAN 
modules where appropriate (see AxKit::XSP::BasicSession, 
Class::DBI::Cacheable, etc) and continue to do so as necessary.

> Another thing to consider is does it need to be uploaded to CPAN in order
> to be public?  Why not SourceForge, which is geared towards programming
> projects?  Make one large tarball with the custom modules, include the
> other modules if necessary, or consider building a Bundle::(AppName) module
> to handle installing the rest.

This one particular application is just one instance of a scenario where a 
Perl application can be distributed as 100% perl.  CPAN is a wonderfully easy 
way to install modules, especially since dependancies can be automatically 

Applications like AxKit or Apache::MP3 already reside on CPAN, but they have 
very specific functional areas they fit into.  What I'm proposing is just 
continuing the same, except provide a dedicated namespace to applications 
themselves that can't fit reasonably anywhere else.

Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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