* Bruno Negrão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-13 23:53]:
> Hi Aristotle,
> My module differs from DateTime::Duration because it is not
> dealing with dates. It does not try to foresee which is a
> future of past date based in a bunch of seconds.
> It just provide a means to calculate a "time quantity" that is
> more human readable than a big number of seconds.

You mean, it deals with a... duration?

> To do this with my module you would:
> #  - converting seconds to hours -
> new $time = new Time::Seconds::GroupedBy('HOURS');
> my ($secs, $mins, $hours) = $time->calculate(7341);
> print "$hours hours $mins minutes $secs seconds\n";

Ah, so you reinvented DateTime::Format::Duration.

    use DateTime::Format::Duration;
    my $fmt = DateTime::Format::Duration->new(
        pattern => '%H hours, %M minutes, %S seconds',
        normalize => 1,
    print $fmt->format_duration_from_deltas(
        seconds => 7341,
    ), "\n";

> Well, it's usefull for me. I didn't find yet a module providing
> this kind of conversion...

I haven't done this before either. It took me about 10 minutes of
research on CPAN. Maybe my advantage was that I knew about the
DateTime project which set out to solve the issue of using Perl
for date and time math Once And For All.

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

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