On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
Okay, but we have requirements for both search.cpan.org and
cpanratings.perl.org, right?

Yes. cpanratings could display more in depth statistics of the various modules and also allow for being to view a module as a whole and not just one particular verson of a module.

search.cpan.org is the front-end to most module-searching, and I think it should stay that way, but should have more visible (read: not so deep) links to ratings/reviews and show the "star-bar" in more places.

For instance it would be nice to be able to sort search results by ratings. Or it'd be nice if that were factored in somehow when doing search. Maybe this would iron out the "greatest module since sliced bread that people who don't know the secret handshake have never heard about" problem.

If these sites have separate maintainers, we should be working on two requirements lists.

Some requirements would seem to be related. For instance, cpanrating may need to provide a convenient way to get data that would the be utilized on search.cpan.org to make the impact less painful. Maybe some sort of local ratings cache would need to be maintained?


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