
I have a simple module written and as far as I can tell, there's nothing on CPAN that does this. (Algorithm::Permute might, but it segfaults on my machine).

From the POD:

Data::SelectWithoutReplacement - Generate all subsets of a list of elements

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.01 of Data::SelectWithoutReplacement,
released 2005-mm-dd.


  use Data::SelectWithoutReplacement;

  my $d = Data::SelectWithoutReplacement->new( 3, 1, 4 );
  while (my $r = $d->next) {
    print "@$r\n";

  # prints
  3 1 4
  1 4
  3 4
  3 1


There are a few more goodies that I've thrown into the mix but my main question concerns the name. Is it good? Did you understand what the module would do when your saw the subject of this message in your inbox? Is there a better name(?:space)? for this?

(I rule out Algorithm::*, since the you're not actually supposed to care how it does its business, only that it does it).

Thanks for your input,

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