I have three modules I am preparing to submit to CPAN, and I was hoping to get some input on the names.
The modules are:
1)  DBIx::Class::Simple - a simpler alternative to DBIx::Class, but alas, not compatible (not even a little bit).  It takes a collection of data structures that describe your tables, and turns it into a collection of classes that can be used to access them.  I'm also open to the name DBIx::Simple::Class or DBIx::Simple::Object
2)  WWW::Scraper::Zip4 - a simple web scraper to retrieve address information from the USPS website.
3)  Well, I'm currently calling it TemplateLoader, but that's too horrible for words.  Your provide some particulars on the module "use" line, and it creates a method in the calling class that loads the template.  Any suggestions for this one would definitely be appreciated.

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