On 11/10/06, David Landgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I suppose it will default to the site_perl directory if run in batch
mode, but interactive installations allow the directory to be specified.
OS distribution maintainers may wish to override the default (how? an
environment variable à la PERL_G_F_P_PATH=/usr/local/share/doc/insee?)

A non-standard installation procedure that runs the package through
a transform while installing it, allowing the path to be written into the
installed module.

Alternately, a .pm interface to the location of the file, just like the .pm
interface to the URL of the publicly available data, but generated at
install time.

package Geography::FR::Postcode::INSEE_FILENOM;
sub import {
   *{caller().'::INSEE_FILENOM'} = sub(){'/usr/local/share/doc/insee'}

You'll have to customize the build and install scripts either way though.

perl -le'1while(1x++$_)=~/^(11+)\1+$/||print'

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