On 3/1/07, David Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've had some requests for a mechanism for module authors to indicate
whether or not they want to be copied on module test emails generated
by CPAN::Reporter (particularly for passing reports).  This seems like
the kind of thing that should go in the module META.yml.

I really like this idea.

Is there a de facto standard for custom extensions to META.yml?  (I
didn't see one in the spec.)  An example might be fields beginning
with a capital letter or "X-foo" style extensions.  E.g.

I don't think there is a standard for these extensions to META.yml,
but I am convinced there must be sensible ways to do it when we need
them. Note that it precludes the idea of a complete and closed schema
for the META.yml specification.

X-cc-author: no

Alternatively, what would people think about adding a field in
META.yml like "notes" for this kind of extra information.  E.g.:

    cc_author: no

My suggestion would be to have a section 'hints' in META.yml (that
would look like the 'notes' you suggested, only with a name which
indicates the section contents is actually suggestions rather than
rules to be followed). This section could be subdivided into tools --
meaning the author is giving hints to various tools involved in the
processing of distributions. These tools could be named generically.
For instance, 'test_reporter' could be used in CPAN::Reporter case.
Why not the module name itself? So that someone else could implement
its test reporter and use the same information without being ashamed
because that information was meant for some other piece of code ;-)

This way, the section to be added to META.yml would be

   cc_author: no

Of course, we would like to see all the variants we grow used to, like

    cc_author: no
    cc_author: yes
    cc_author: fail
    cc_author: ok # this author likes to receive only good news

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Thank you.
Adriano Ferreira.

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